Tonight's teachers: JP, Wendy, and Phil.
Toss-Up 1: Things
_ _ A K E _ P E A R E
_ L A Y S
Wendy participates in some SHAKESPEARE PLAYS to score first.
Toss-Up 2: People
H O N _ R
S _ U D _ N T S
Wendy's tripled up thanks to her HONOR STUDENTS.
Jackpot Round: Event
$400 - 3 T's
No U
FP - 1 E
$800 - 1 N
2 A's
1 O
1 I (NMV)
$500 - 1 R
$550 - 1 D
$500 - 1 M
$800 - 1 P (FILLED BOARD)
He reads the above for his first $2,400.
Wrong Letter: U (Wendy)
Unclaimed Jackpot: $9,050
JP: Yet to spin
Wendy: $3,000 TU money
Phil: $2,400
Mystery Round: On the map
$600 - 1 T
2 E's
2 A's
$800 - 4 N's
2 O's
No U (Why?)
MW near LaT - 1 L
Flips it...$10K!
$500 - 2 S's
3 I's (NMV)
$800 - No H (Where'd she think it would go?)
$900 - 2 M's
$300 (slipped past Bankrupt) - 1 P (ANOTHER FILLED BOARD)
I don't know if this man is from MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, but he's banked another $4,900.
Wrong Letters: U (Phil), H (Wendy)
Lose a Turn: JP
JP: Spinning next
Wendy: $3,000
Phil: $7,300
Round 3: Occupation (one-liner)
$500 - 1 R
2 E's
$500 - 1 M
2 A's (NMV)
$650 - 2 T's
$700 - 2 H's
M A T H / T E A C H E R
JP scores his first $3.7K for merely reading off MATH TEACHER.
JP: $3,700
Wendy: $3,000
Phil: $7,300
Toss-Up 3: Person
_ Y / F A V O _ _ _ E
_ _ S T R _ _ T _ _
JP guesses MY FAVORITE INSTRUCTOR...right to deny Wendy of a Toss-Up sweep.
Round 4: Place
$900 - 1 T
2 E's
$500 - 1 N
FP - 2 O's
$900 - 2 L's
$700 - 2 C's
$5K - 2 M's
C O M M _ N I T _
C O L L E _ E
He can visit a COMMUNITY COLLEGE with another $14,350 and the victory!
JP: $21,050
Wendy: $3,000 Toss-Up money (fizzling out)
Phil: $7,300
Maingame Winnings: $31,350
Bankrupt Trash: NONE!
$100,000 Bonus Round
JP lands on the I in WIN.
Category: Things (3-liners)
R _ L E _
_ N _ E _
_ _ R _ S
_ N D E X
C _ R D S
He easily solves RULED INDEX CARDS for another $30,000, giving him $51,050 on the night!
My rating: 7.5 (the sole dud vowel of U and Wendy's nonsensical H call in R2 brought it down for me)
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
RECAP EXAMPLE: The Perfect Night! (Day 3)
Now it's time for the mobile version. Our players are: JP (which happens to be my character), Jane, and Mary.
Toss-Up 1: What are you doing?
S H A _ _ N G
_ E _ _ E R T
JP's been SHARING DESSERT, so he's won a grand.
Toss-Up 2: Around the house
C A _ D L E S T I C K _
Jackpot Round: Song title
$600 - 2 T's
3 E's
$300 - 2 R's
2 A's
2 I's (NMV)
$800 - 2 N's
$650 - 2 H's
$800 - 1 D
$300 - 2 S's
I / S A _ / H E R
S T A N D I N _
He IDs the Beatles tune "I SAW HER STANDING THERE" to go to $8,350.
Unclaimed Jackpot: $8,450
Mystery Round: Show biz
$350 - No H
$550 - No R
$500 - 1 T
No O
$400 - 2 N's
2 E's
2 A's
2 I's (NMV)
FP - 2 S's
$400 - 2 L's
$650 - 1 C
MDW - 1 M
$800 - 2 F's
$3,500 - 1 V (FILLED BOARD)
C A N N E S / F I L M
She merely reads off CANNES FILM FESTIVAL for $7,600 and that sparkly green wedge.
Aired Wrong Letters: H (Jane), R (Mary), O (JP)
JP: $8,350
Jane: $7,600 + MDW
Mary: $0
Round 3: Phrase (remember, there's no Prize Puzzle in the mobile version)
$900 - 2 T's
1 E
2 A's
2 O's
4 I's
$350 - 3 N's
$800 - 2 R's
$800 - 2 L's
L E T / _ O _ R
I _ A _ I N A T I O N
R _ N / _ I L _
Too bad we don't have PPs in the mobile game, but oh well...LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD, JP - you've won another $1,600.
Lose a Turn: Mary
JP: $9,950
Jane: $7,600 + MDW
Mary: $0
Toss-Up 3: Rhyme time
_ I _ E / W I N _
JP drinks a bit of FINE WINE for the Toss-Up sweep.
Round 4: Thing
$800 - 1 T
$800 - No R
$500 - 1 H
1 A
$900 - 1 L
$350 - No N
_ L _ T _ H / _ A _
FS: $1,700
Mary - No E
JP - No D
Jane - 2 C's
C L _ T C H / _ A _
Jane gets CLUTCH BAG for $4,550...but she still loses to JP by just $800. Ouch.
Wrong Letters (before the FS): R (JP), N (Jane)
Wrong Letters (after the FS): E (Mary), D (JP)
JP: $12,950
Jane: $12,150 (no MDBR)
Mary: $1,000 consolation
Maingame Winnings: $26,100
Bankrupt Trash: NONE!
$100,000 Bonus Round
Lucky JP lands on the 2nd A in AMERICA'S.
Category: Occupation
N _ _ _ T _ L _ _
_ _ _ R _ _ N
CDMA all make the puzzle:
N _ _ _ T C L _ _
D _ _ R M A N
A NIGHTCLUB DOORMAN won't be happy about this - JP wins another $30K, for a final total of $42,950!
My rating: 7
Toss-Up 1: What are you doing?
S H A _ _ N G
_ E _ _ E R T
JP's been SHARING DESSERT, so he's won a grand.
Toss-Up 2: Around the house
C A _ D L E S T I C K _
Jackpot Round: Song title
$600 - 2 T's
3 E's
$300 - 2 R's
2 A's
2 I's (NMV)
$800 - 2 N's
$650 - 2 H's
$800 - 1 D
$300 - 2 S's
I / S A _ / H E R
S T A N D I N _
He IDs the Beatles tune "I SAW HER STANDING THERE" to go to $8,350.
Unclaimed Jackpot: $8,450
Mystery Round: Show biz
$350 - No H
$550 - No R
$500 - 1 T
No O
$400 - 2 N's
2 E's
2 A's
2 I's (NMV)
FP - 2 S's
$400 - 2 L's
$650 - 1 C
MDW - 1 M
$800 - 2 F's
$3,500 - 1 V (FILLED BOARD)
C A N N E S / F I L M
She merely reads off CANNES FILM FESTIVAL for $7,600 and that sparkly green wedge.
Aired Wrong Letters: H (Jane), R (Mary), O (JP)
JP: $8,350
Jane: $7,600 + MDW
Mary: $0
Round 3: Phrase (remember, there's no Prize Puzzle in the mobile version)
$900 - 2 T's
1 E
2 A's
2 O's
4 I's
$350 - 3 N's
$800 - 2 R's
$800 - 2 L's
L E T / _ O _ R
I _ A _ I N A T I O N
R _ N / _ I L _
Too bad we don't have PPs in the mobile game, but oh well...LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD, JP - you've won another $1,600.
Lose a Turn: Mary
JP: $9,950
Jane: $7,600 + MDW
Mary: $0
Toss-Up 3: Rhyme time
_ I _ E / W I N _
JP drinks a bit of FINE WINE for the Toss-Up sweep.
Round 4: Thing
$800 - 1 T
$800 - No R
$500 - 1 H
1 A
$900 - 1 L
$350 - No N
_ L _ T _ H / _ A _
FS: $1,700
Mary - No E
JP - No D
Jane - 2 C's
C L _ T C H / _ A _
Jane gets CLUTCH BAG for $4,550...but she still loses to JP by just $800. Ouch.
Wrong Letters (before the FS): R (JP), N (Jane)
Wrong Letters (after the FS): E (Mary), D (JP)
JP: $12,950
Jane: $12,150 (no MDBR)
Mary: $1,000 consolation
Maingame Winnings: $26,100
Bankrupt Trash: NONE!
$100,000 Bonus Round
Lucky JP lands on the 2nd A in AMERICA'S.
Category: Occupation
N _ _ _ T _ L _ _
_ _ _ R _ _ N
CDMA all make the puzzle:
N _ _ _ T C L _ _
D _ _ R M A N
A NIGHTCLUB DOORMAN won't be happy about this - JP wins another $30K, for a final total of $42,950!
My rating: 7
RECAP EXAMPLE: California Road Trip (Day 1)
Our first California getaway hopefuls of the week: Daniel, Tony, and Jennifer.
Toss-Up 1: On the map
_ E N I C E
_ E A _ H
Tony knows it's VENICE BEACH (in L.A.).
Toss-Up 2: Thing
W A _ M
S U N S H _ _ E
Jennifer feels the WARM SUNSHINE to spin first.
Featured Trip: Barcelona ($8,500)
Jackpot Round: Phrase
$600 - 1 R
$500 - 1 S
Bankrupt between $600 and $900
FP - 5 E's
1/2-Car - 2 T's
1 A
His own LaT
Barcelona - 2 N's
$900 (slipped past Bankrupt) - No L
$300 (nearly hit the other 1/2-Car) - No G
1 O
$300 - 2 C's
_ R E S E N T
C O _ _ A N _
E _ C E _ T E _
He solves PRESENT COMPANY EXCEPTED for just $1,100 when he could've gone for those P's.
Wrong Letter: L (Jennifer), G (Daniel)
Bankrupt: Jennifer
Lose a Turns: Daniel, Tony
Unclaimed Jackpot: $8,600
Daniel: $0
Tony: $2,100 + 1/2-Car
Jennifer: $2,000 TU money
Mystery Round: Proper name
$350 - 2 T's
1 E
$300 - 1 S
3 A's
GT - 3 N's
2 I's
FP - 3 O's
1/2-Car - 1 Y
$300 - 1 D
1/2-Car - 1 L
A _ D _ _ O N
S O _ I E T Y
This organization deals with conservation (not just birds), and sorry Tony - Daniel's earned $12,550 cash and prizes (including the Nautical Map and the $10K Sedan) that round alone just for IDing the NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY!
Daniel: $12,550 cash and prizes
Tony: $2,100 (his 1/2-Car is VOIDED, that's why I said sorry)
Jennifer: $2,000
Prize Puzzle: Thing
WC - 2 R's
$600 - No S (if only he hung on to FP)
$300 - No P
$900 - 3 T's
5 A's
$300 - 1 C
_ R A _ A T _ C
_ A T _ R A _
_ _ A _ T _
W/ another $2,750, he quickly sinks in the DRAMATIC NATURAL BEAUTY (he wasn't sure about the 1st word) of COSTA RICA (that trip is worth $8K).
Wrong Letters: S (Tony), P (Jennifer)
Daniel: $23,300 cash and prizes
Tony: $2,100
Jennifer: $2,000
Toss-Up 3: Things
_ D J _ _ _ _ B _ _
D U _ _ B _ L L S
You see these at Venice Beach (or Santa Monica Beach), but they're definitely NOT ADJUSTABLE DOOMBELLS, Dan.
_ D J _ S T A B _ _
D U _ _ B _ L L S
Tony works with some ADJUSTABLE DUMBBELLS to go to $5,100.
Round 4: Around the house
$900 - No S
$550 - No T
$400 (near the empty MDW) - 1 R
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ / R _ _ _
FS: $1,500 (empty 1/2-Car)
Daniel - 3 N's
Tony - No L
Jennifer - 1 E
Daniel - 1 W
Tony - 2 A's
Jennifer - 2 I's (NMV)
Daniel - 1 C
_ A N _ I N _
W I N E / R A C _
I don't know the 1st word...and neither does he.
Tony - 1 H (ugh...)
H A N _ I N _
W I N E / R A C _
He could've gotten double the FS amount with those G's but noooooo...he solves HANGING WINE RACK for just $1,500. He deserves to lose b/c of his consonativity.
Wrong Letters (before the FS): S (Tony), T (Jennifer)
Wrong Letter (after the FS): L (Tony)
Daniel: $23,300 cash and prizes
Tony: $6,600
Jennifer: $2,000
Maingame Winnings: $31,900
Bankrupt Trash: $1,100 (all from R1)
$100,000 Bonus Round
Dan lands on the M in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE indicates a continent Wheel often gives trips to:
S _ _ T _
_ _ E R _ _ _
He's CDMA-friendly...
S _ _ T _
A M E R _ C A
He nails SOUTH AMERICA! But I've got bad news for this man...
...he's gonna have to pay tax & title on TWO vehicles - he wins the $60K Pickup Truck, so he leaves us with $83,300 cash and prizes! Good job, sir!
My rating: High 7 (would've been an 8 if not for Tony's consonativity)
Toss-Up 1: On the map
_ E N I C E
_ E A _ H
Tony knows it's VENICE BEACH (in L.A.).
Toss-Up 2: Thing
W A _ M
S U N S H _ _ E
Jennifer feels the WARM SUNSHINE to spin first.
Featured Trip: Barcelona ($8,500)
Jackpot Round: Phrase
$600 - 1 R
$500 - 1 S
Bankrupt between $600 and $900
FP - 5 E's
1/2-Car - 2 T's
1 A
His own LaT
Barcelona - 2 N's
$900 (slipped past Bankrupt) - No L
$300 (nearly hit the other 1/2-Car) - No G
1 O
$300 - 2 C's
_ R E S E N T
C O _ _ A N _
E _ C E _ T E _
He solves PRESENT COMPANY EXCEPTED for just $1,100 when he could've gone for those P's.
Wrong Letter: L (Jennifer), G (Daniel)
Bankrupt: Jennifer
Lose a Turns: Daniel, Tony
Unclaimed Jackpot: $8,600
Daniel: $0
Tony: $2,100 + 1/2-Car
Jennifer: $2,000 TU money
Mystery Round: Proper name
$350 - 2 T's
1 E
$300 - 1 S
3 A's
GT - 3 N's
2 I's
FP - 3 O's
1/2-Car - 1 Y
$300 - 1 D
1/2-Car - 1 L
A _ D _ _ O N
S O _ I E T Y
This organization deals with conservation (not just birds), and sorry Tony - Daniel's earned $12,550 cash and prizes (including the Nautical Map and the $10K Sedan) that round alone just for IDing the NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY!
Daniel: $12,550 cash and prizes
Tony: $2,100 (his 1/2-Car is VOIDED, that's why I said sorry)
Jennifer: $2,000
Prize Puzzle: Thing
WC - 2 R's
$600 - No S (if only he hung on to FP)
$300 - No P
$900 - 3 T's
5 A's
$300 - 1 C
_ R A _ A T _ C
_ A T _ R A _
_ _ A _ T _
W/ another $2,750, he quickly sinks in the DRAMATIC NATURAL BEAUTY (he wasn't sure about the 1st word) of COSTA RICA (that trip is worth $8K).
Wrong Letters: S (Tony), P (Jennifer)
Daniel: $23,300 cash and prizes
Tony: $2,100
Jennifer: $2,000
Toss-Up 3: Things
_ D J _ _ _ _ B _ _
D U _ _ B _ L L S
You see these at Venice Beach (or Santa Monica Beach), but they're definitely NOT ADJUSTABLE DOOMBELLS, Dan.
_ D J _ S T A B _ _
D U _ _ B _ L L S
Tony works with some ADJUSTABLE DUMBBELLS to go to $5,100.
Round 4: Around the house
$900 - No S
$550 - No T
$400 (near the empty MDW) - 1 R
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ / R _ _ _
FS: $1,500 (empty 1/2-Car)
Daniel - 3 N's
Tony - No L
Jennifer - 1 E
Daniel - 1 W
Tony - 2 A's
Jennifer - 2 I's (NMV)
Daniel - 1 C
_ A N _ I N _
W I N E / R A C _
I don't know the 1st word...and neither does he.
Tony - 1 H (ugh...)
H A N _ I N _
W I N E / R A C _
He could've gotten double the FS amount with those G's but noooooo...he solves HANGING WINE RACK for just $1,500. He deserves to lose b/c of his consonativity.
Wrong Letters (before the FS): S (Tony), T (Jennifer)
Wrong Letter (after the FS): L (Tony)
Daniel: $23,300 cash and prizes
Tony: $6,600
Jennifer: $2,000
Maingame Winnings: $31,900
Bankrupt Trash: $1,100 (all from R1)
$100,000 Bonus Round
Dan lands on the M in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE indicates a continent Wheel often gives trips to:
S _ _ T _
_ _ E R _ _ _
He's CDMA-friendly...
S _ _ T _
A M E R _ C A
He nails SOUTH AMERICA! But I've got bad news for this man...
...he's gonna have to pay tax & title on TWO vehicles - he wins the $60K Pickup Truck, so he leaves us with $83,300 cash and prizes! Good job, sir!
My rating: High 7 (would've been an 8 if not for Tony's consonativity)
RECAP EXAMPLE: Hawaiian Vacation (Day 4)
Tonight's vacationers: Denise, Tony, & Jennifer.
Toss-Up 1: On the map
H A _ A
H I G _ W A _
Jennifer guesses HANA HIGHWAY...good for her, that could've very well been a Triple Stumper (where no one gets a Toss-Up).
Toss-Up 2: Things
W A T E _ _ A L L _
Tony knows HI has WATERFALLS.
Featured Vacation: Barcelona, $8,500
Jackpot Round: Phrase
$300 - No N
Top dollar - 1 R
Bankrupt near $900
$800 - 1 T
1 E
$300 - 3 S's
4 A's
$500 - 1 Y
2 I's
$300 - 1 K
2 O's
$800 - 2 L's
2 U's (NMV)
$600 - 1 C
A S K / A _ O U T / O U R
_ A I L Y / S _ E C I A L S
She knows how to ASK ABOUT OUR DAILY SPECIALS, so everyone's on the board already.
Wrong Letter: N (Tony)
Bankrupt: Jennifer
Unclaimed Jackpot: $11,100
Denise: $3,450
Tony: $2,000 TU bucks
Jennifer: $1,000 Toss-Up money
Mystery Round: Things
$300 - 1 S
$500 - No R
$300 - 2 T's
1 I
1 A
GT - 2 N's
$800 - 2 D's
_ I D D _ N
T A _ _ N T S
She's got some HIDDEN TALENTS for $1,700 and the gift tag (a NO street sign).
Wrong Letter: R (Jennifer)
Denise: $6,150 cash and New Orleans souvenirs
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $1,000
Prize Puzzle: Place
Bankrupt near TD
FP - 3 T's
1 E
3 A's
FP - 2 L's
2 I's
MDW - No R
1/2-Car - 1 C
T _ E / C A _ I T A L
_ _ / I T A L
But she's giving the plate right back - she knows THE CAPITAL OF ITALY is ROME ($8.5K).
Wrong Letter: R (Tony)
Bankrupt: Denise
Denise: $6,150
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $10,000 cash and Rome
Toss-Up 3: Event
A _ / E _ E _ _ _ _
_ _ / _ _ _ _
Denise easily has AN EVENING AT HOME to break the $9K mark.
Round 4: Around the house
$350 - No T
$550 - 1 R
2 E's
_ _ _ _ E _
_ R E _ _ _
FS: $1,800
Tony - No S
Jennifer - 2 N's
Denise - No L
Tony - 1 O (NMV)
Jennifer - 1 C
_ O N _ E _
_ R E N C _
But she blanks out, so $5,400 and the victory has just slipped away.
Denise - 1 W
_ O N _ E _
W R E N C _
Denise buys a MONKEY WRENCH for the FS amount and the win by $950!
Wrong Letter (before FS): T (Denise)
Wrong Letter (after FS): S (Tony), L (Denise)
Denise: $10,950 cash and souvenirs
Tony: $2,000 TU money
Jennifer: $10,000 cash and Rome (she didn't deserve the win anyway)
$100,000 Bonus Round
Denise lands on the R in AMERICA'S.
Category: Food & drink
_ _ L _ _ _ T _
_ L _ _ E S
_ _ L _ _ _ T _
_ L I _ E S
No guess from her, so $30K is kept inside this package of KALAMATA OLIVES.
My rating: 5.5
Toss-Up 1: On the map
H A _ A
H I G _ W A _
Jennifer guesses HANA HIGHWAY...good for her, that could've very well been a Triple Stumper (where no one gets a Toss-Up).
Toss-Up 2: Things
W A T E _ _ A L L _
Tony knows HI has WATERFALLS.
Featured Vacation: Barcelona, $8,500
Jackpot Round: Phrase
$300 - No N
Top dollar - 1 R
Bankrupt near $900
$800 - 1 T
1 E
$300 - 3 S's
4 A's
$500 - 1 Y
2 I's
$300 - 1 K
2 O's
$800 - 2 L's
2 U's (NMV)
$600 - 1 C
A S K / A _ O U T / O U R
_ A I L Y / S _ E C I A L S
She knows how to ASK ABOUT OUR DAILY SPECIALS, so everyone's on the board already.
Wrong Letter: N (Tony)
Bankrupt: Jennifer
Unclaimed Jackpot: $11,100
Denise: $3,450
Tony: $2,000 TU bucks
Jennifer: $1,000 Toss-Up money
Mystery Round: Things
$300 - 1 S
$500 - No R
$300 - 2 T's
1 I
1 A
GT - 2 N's
$800 - 2 D's
_ I D D _ N
T A _ _ N T S
She's got some HIDDEN TALENTS for $1,700 and the gift tag (a NO street sign).
Wrong Letter: R (Jennifer)
Denise: $6,150 cash and New Orleans souvenirs
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $1,000
Prize Puzzle: Place
Bankrupt near TD
FP - 3 T's
1 E
3 A's
FP - 2 L's
2 I's
MDW - No R
1/2-Car - 1 C
T _ E / C A _ I T A L
_ _ / I T A L
But she's giving the plate right back - she knows THE CAPITAL OF ITALY is ROME ($8.5K).
Wrong Letter: R (Tony)
Bankrupt: Denise
Denise: $6,150
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $10,000 cash and Rome
Toss-Up 3: Event
A _ / E _ E _ _ _ _
_ _ / _ _ _ _
Denise easily has AN EVENING AT HOME to break the $9K mark.
Round 4: Around the house
$350 - No T
$550 - 1 R
2 E's
_ _ _ _ E _
_ R E _ _ _
FS: $1,800
Tony - No S
Jennifer - 2 N's
Denise - No L
Tony - 1 O (NMV)
Jennifer - 1 C
_ O N _ E _
_ R E N C _
But she blanks out, so $5,400 and the victory has just slipped away.
Denise - 1 W
_ O N _ E _
W R E N C _
Denise buys a MONKEY WRENCH for the FS amount and the win by $950!
Wrong Letter (before FS): T (Denise)
Wrong Letter (after FS): S (Tony), L (Denise)
Denise: $10,950 cash and souvenirs
Tony: $2,000 TU money
Jennifer: $10,000 cash and Rome (she didn't deserve the win anyway)
$100,000 Bonus Round
Denise lands on the R in AMERICA'S.
Category: Food & drink
_ _ L _ _ _ T _
_ L _ _ E S
_ _ L _ _ _ T _
_ L I _ E S
No guess from her, so $30K is kept inside this package of KALAMATA OLIVES.
My rating: 5.5
RECAP EXAMPLE: Count the Money (Day 3)
Tonight's big-money hopefuls are Mark, Sarah, and Jennifer.
Toss-Up 1: Occupation
M _ _ _ E T _ _ _
E _ E _ U _ _ _ E
Mark appropriately solves MARKETING EXECUTIVE!
Toss-Up 2: Person
_ _ R S T
B _ S E M A N
Sarah gets the baseball position of FIRST BASEMAN.
Expensive Trip: Barcelona, $8,500
Jackpot Round: Rhyme time
Bankrupt near $900
$800 - 2 L's
1 E
2 I's (NMV)
$300 - 3 N's
I N / L I _ E
_ L _ N N
She's IN LIKE FLYNN to tie for the early lead.
Bankrupt: Sarah
Unclaimed Jackpot: $6,100
Mark: $1,000 Toss-Up money
The ladies: $2,000 each (Sarah has TU money)
Mystery Round: Phrase
Bankrupt near $3,500
$300 - 1 R
3 E's
$900 - 9 T's! (I think that might be a record.)
$600 - 2 S's
1/2-Car - 3 H's
$500 - 2 L's
_ T ' S / T H E
L _ T T L E
T H _ _ _ S / T H _ T
_ _ T T E R
Mark knows IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MATTER for another $11,600!
Bankrupt: Jennifer
Mark: $12,600 + 1/2-Car
The ladies: $2,000 each
Prize Puzzle: Landmark
$400 - 1 T
3 E's
$900 - No R
$400 - 1 S
No A
$500 - No C
GT - 1 N
FP - 2 P's
T E _ P _ E / _ _
P _ S E _ _ _ N
He IDs the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON for another $1,150, the gift tag (the NO street sign), and an $8,000 trip to ATHENS.
Wrong Letters: R (Mark), A (Sarah), C (Jennifer)
Mark: $22,750 cash and prizes
The ladies: $2,000 each
Toss-Up 3: Phrase
_ _ I F _
_ C T _ _ N
Sorry Mark, but STIFF ACTION is a good guess, just not right.
S _ I F T
A C T _ _ N
Sarah takes some SWIFT ACTION to break the tie.
Round 4: Food & drink
$300 - No S
$900 - No C
$550 - 2 T's
T _ _ T
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Final Spin: $1,600 (really close to the big one)
Mark - No H
Sarah - 1 R
Jennifer - No I
Mark - 1 N
Sarah - 2 E's
Jennifer - 2 A's
_ E _ _ N A _ E
But she says absolutely nothing.
Mark - 1 L
L E _ _ N A _ E
He drinks up some TART LEMONADE for $4,300 more.
Wrong Letters (before the FS): S (Sarah), C (Jennifer)
Wrong Letters (after the FS): H (Mark), I (Jennifer)
Mark: $27,050 cash and prizes
Sarah: $5,000 TU money
Jennifer: $2,000
Maingame Winnings: $34,050
$100,000 Bonus Round
Mark lands on the I in AMERICA'S.
Category: Thing
_ N E - _ _ E _ E
S _ _ _ S _ _ T
Mark's picks: CHGA
_ N E - _ _ E C E
S _ _ _ S _ _ T
He only gets the first line, so no $25K for him, since he doesn't solve ONE-PIECE SWIMSUIT.
My rating: Low 7
Toss-Up 1: Occupation
M _ _ _ E T _ _ _
E _ E _ U _ _ _ E
Mark appropriately solves MARKETING EXECUTIVE!
Toss-Up 2: Person
_ _ R S T
B _ S E M A N
Sarah gets the baseball position of FIRST BASEMAN.
Expensive Trip: Barcelona, $8,500
Jackpot Round: Rhyme time
Bankrupt near $900
$800 - 2 L's
1 E
2 I's (NMV)
$300 - 3 N's
I N / L I _ E
_ L _ N N
She's IN LIKE FLYNN to tie for the early lead.
Bankrupt: Sarah
Unclaimed Jackpot: $6,100
Mark: $1,000 Toss-Up money
The ladies: $2,000 each (Sarah has TU money)
Mystery Round: Phrase
Bankrupt near $3,500
$300 - 1 R
3 E's
$900 - 9 T's! (I think that might be a record.)
$600 - 2 S's
1/2-Car - 3 H's
$500 - 2 L's
_ T ' S / T H E
L _ T T L E
T H _ _ _ S / T H _ T
_ _ T T E R
Mark knows IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MATTER for another $11,600!
Bankrupt: Jennifer
Mark: $12,600 + 1/2-Car
The ladies: $2,000 each
Prize Puzzle: Landmark
$400 - 1 T
3 E's
$900 - No R
$400 - 1 S
No A
$500 - No C
GT - 1 N
FP - 2 P's
T E _ P _ E / _ _
P _ S E _ _ _ N
He IDs the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON for another $1,150, the gift tag (the NO street sign), and an $8,000 trip to ATHENS.
Wrong Letters: R (Mark), A (Sarah), C (Jennifer)
Mark: $22,750 cash and prizes
The ladies: $2,000 each
Toss-Up 3: Phrase
_ _ I F _
_ C T _ _ N
Sorry Mark, but STIFF ACTION is a good guess, just not right.
S _ I F T
A C T _ _ N
Sarah takes some SWIFT ACTION to break the tie.
Round 4: Food & drink
$300 - No S
$900 - No C
$550 - 2 T's
T _ _ T
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Final Spin: $1,600 (really close to the big one)
Mark - No H
Sarah - 1 R
Jennifer - No I
Mark - 1 N
Sarah - 2 E's
Jennifer - 2 A's
_ E _ _ N A _ E
But she says absolutely nothing.
Mark - 1 L
L E _ _ N A _ E
He drinks up some TART LEMONADE for $4,300 more.
Wrong Letters (before the FS): S (Sarah), C (Jennifer)
Wrong Letters (after the FS): H (Mark), I (Jennifer)
Mark: $27,050 cash and prizes
Sarah: $5,000 TU money
Jennifer: $2,000
Maingame Winnings: $34,050
$100,000 Bonus Round
Mark lands on the I in AMERICA'S.
Category: Thing
_ N E - _ _ E _ E
S _ _ _ S _ _ T
Mark's picks: CHGA
_ N E - _ _ E C E
S _ _ _ S _ _ T
He only gets the first line, so no $25K for him, since he doesn't solve ONE-PIECE SWIMSUIT.
My rating: Low 7
Monday, December 23, 2013
RECAP EXAMPLE: Amazing Animals (Day 3)
Tonight's pet owners: Sarah, Tony, and Jennifer.
Toss-Up 1: Phrase
T _ _ K E _
_ F F
I'm not easily TICKED OFF, and neither is Sarah.
Toss-Up 2: Proper name
J _ F F
_ R _ D G E S
Jennifer IDs actor JEFF BRIDGES to spin first.
Featured Pet-Friendly Trip: Grand Canyon, $6,000
Jackpot Round: Phrase
$600 - No R
$500 - 3 T's
Bankrupt near $600
$500 - 1 L
2 E's
1/2-Car - No S
$900 - No C
The same Bankrupt
2 I's
$500 - 3 N's
_ L _ / I N / T _ E
_ I N T _ E N T
There's no FLY IN THE OINTMENT here - everyone's on the board already.
Wrong Letters: R (Jennifer), S (Tony), C (Jennifer)
Bankrupt: Sarah 2x
Unclaimed Jackpot: $8,500
Sarah: $1,000 TU dough
Tony: $1,500
Jennifer: $2,000 TU money
Mystery Round: Title
$800 - 2 T's
$500 - 1 S
$550 - 2 R's
2 E's
FP - 2 A's
Bankrupt near $3,500
$300 - 1 P
1 O (NMV)
T _ E / _ R A P E S
O _ / _ R A T _
He could've gone on for those H's, but never mind - Tony know it's the classic John Steinbeck novel THE GRAPES OF WRATH for a $950 bonus.
Bankrupt: Sarah
Sarah: $1,000
Tony: $2,500
Jennifer: $2,000
Weak game so far.
Prize Puzzle: Places
Top dollar - No D
FP - No O
$300 - No H
$500 - 2 S's
1 E
$600 - 1 T
4 A's
1/2-Car - 1 R
GT - 2 N's
$300 - No Y
$500 - 2 L's
2 I's (NMV)
$350 - 1 C
_ A S E _ A L L
T R A I N I N _
C A _ _ S
With another $1,100, she can visit some BASEBALL TRAINING CAMPS on her $6K trip to ORLANDO (I thought it would be Chicago instead). Who even plays baseball professionally there?
Wrong Letters: D (Tony), O (Jennifer on FP), H (Jennifer), Y (Tony)
Lose a Turn: Sarah
Sarah: $1,000
Tony: $2,500
Jennifer: $9,100 cash and Florida
Toss-Up 3: Person
_ O _ D C A R V _ R
Jennifer gets WOODCARVER to break 5-figures ($10,000 and up).
Round 4: Event
$300 - 1 R
$500 - 1 T
$300 - No S
FS: $1,600
Sarah - 2 N's; she tries to solve but jumps the gun
Tony - 3 E's
Jennifer - No A
Sarah - No J (she thought the second word was REJECTION)
Tony - 2 I's
Jennifer - 1 O (NMV)
Sarah - 1 G
_ E _ _ I N G
R E _ E _ T I O N
Not a word comes out of her mouth.
Tony - 1 C
_ E _ _ I N G
R E C E _ T I O N
Tony can travel to a WEDDING RECEPTION with the FS amount.
Wrong Letter (before the FS): S (Jennifer)
Wrong Letters (after the FS): A (Jennifer), J (Sarah)
Sarah: $1,000 TU money (fizzling out)
Tony: $4,100
Jennifer: $12,100 cash and FL
Maingame Winnings: Just $17,200
Bankrupt Trash: $4,450
$100,000 Bonus Round
Jennifer lands on the G in GAME.
Category: Thing
RSTLNE please:
_ _ S T / _ _ _ _
_ E N _
DMFA - in good shape...
F A S T / F _ _ D
M E N _
Sorry, whichever restaurant wants to give Jennifer free food, this WON'T be on your FAST FOOD MENU...
...$100,000 - she leaves us with $112,100 cash and Florida!!! Great job, Jennifer!
My rating: You know it - perfect 10 (despite the bad maingame)!
Toss-Up 1: Phrase
T _ _ K E _
_ F F
I'm not easily TICKED OFF, and neither is Sarah.
Toss-Up 2: Proper name
J _ F F
_ R _ D G E S
Jennifer IDs actor JEFF BRIDGES to spin first.
Featured Pet-Friendly Trip: Grand Canyon, $6,000
Jackpot Round: Phrase
$600 - No R
$500 - 3 T's
Bankrupt near $600
$500 - 1 L
2 E's
1/2-Car - No S
$900 - No C
The same Bankrupt
2 I's
$500 - 3 N's
_ L _ / I N / T _ E
_ I N T _ E N T
There's no FLY IN THE OINTMENT here - everyone's on the board already.
Wrong Letters: R (Jennifer), S (Tony), C (Jennifer)
Bankrupt: Sarah 2x
Unclaimed Jackpot: $8,500
Sarah: $1,000 TU dough
Tony: $1,500
Jennifer: $2,000 TU money
Mystery Round: Title
$800 - 2 T's
$500 - 1 S
$550 - 2 R's
2 E's
FP - 2 A's
Bankrupt near $3,500
$300 - 1 P
1 O (NMV)
T _ E / _ R A P E S
O _ / _ R A T _
He could've gone on for those H's, but never mind - Tony know it's the classic John Steinbeck novel THE GRAPES OF WRATH for a $950 bonus.
Bankrupt: Sarah
Sarah: $1,000
Tony: $2,500
Jennifer: $2,000
Weak game so far.
Prize Puzzle: Places
Top dollar - No D
FP - No O
$300 - No H
$500 - 2 S's
1 E
$600 - 1 T
4 A's
1/2-Car - 1 R
GT - 2 N's
$300 - No Y
$500 - 2 L's
2 I's (NMV)
$350 - 1 C
_ A S E _ A L L
T R A I N I N _
C A _ _ S
With another $1,100, she can visit some BASEBALL TRAINING CAMPS on her $6K trip to ORLANDO (I thought it would be Chicago instead). Who even plays baseball professionally there?
Wrong Letters: D (Tony), O (Jennifer on FP), H (Jennifer), Y (Tony)
Lose a Turn: Sarah
Sarah: $1,000
Tony: $2,500
Jennifer: $9,100 cash and Florida
Toss-Up 3: Person
_ O _ D C A R V _ R
Jennifer gets WOODCARVER to break 5-figures ($10,000 and up).
Round 4: Event
$300 - 1 R
$500 - 1 T
$300 - No S
FS: $1,600
Sarah - 2 N's; she tries to solve but jumps the gun
Tony - 3 E's
Jennifer - No A
Sarah - No J (she thought the second word was REJECTION)
Tony - 2 I's
Jennifer - 1 O (NMV)
Sarah - 1 G
_ E _ _ I N G
R E _ E _ T I O N
Not a word comes out of her mouth.
Tony - 1 C
_ E _ _ I N G
R E C E _ T I O N
Tony can travel to a WEDDING RECEPTION with the FS amount.
Wrong Letter (before the FS): S (Jennifer)
Wrong Letters (after the FS): A (Jennifer), J (Sarah)
Sarah: $1,000 TU money (fizzling out)
Tony: $4,100
Jennifer: $12,100 cash and FL
Maingame Winnings: Just $17,200
Bankrupt Trash: $4,450
$100,000 Bonus Round
Jennifer lands on the G in GAME.
Category: Thing
RSTLNE please:
_ _ S T / _ _ _ _
_ E N _
DMFA - in good shape...
F A S T / F _ _ D
M E N _
Sorry, whichever restaurant wants to give Jennifer free food, this WON'T be on your FAST FOOD MENU...
...$100,000 - she leaves us with $112,100 cash and Florida!!! Great job, Jennifer!
My rating: You know it - perfect 10 (despite the bad maingame)!
RECAP EXAMPLE: Celebrity Status (Day 4)
Another all-women panel: Charise, Sarah, and Jennifer.
Toss-Up 1: Show biz
_ O _ P
_ _ E R _ S
I don't know if Charise has watched any SOAP OPERAS recently, but she's won $1,000.
Toss-Up 2: Event
A _ A Z _ N _
S _ _ S E _
Charise's "on a roll" w/ AMAZING SUNSET.
Featured VIP Trip: $5K Philadelphia vacation
Jackpot Round: Movie title
$900 - 2 T's
1 I
Philly - 1 N
2 E's
Top dollar - 1 H
Gift Tag - 1 Y
$900 - 2 D's
T H E / D I _ T Y
D _ _ E N
She IDs "THE DIRTY DOZEN" for $5,600, the tag (Hand and Foot Prints from Hollywood), and the Philly trip, making her new total $14,600 cash and prizes!
BIG DOMINATION! (AKA "Major perfect round")
Unclaimed Jackpot: $9,300
Mystery Round: Things
$900 - 2 S's
$600 - 1 T
1 E
1 A
Top dollar - No R
$300 - No L
$300 - No M
No I (the only bad vowel here)
Wild Card - No N
$300 - No C
1 O
$900 - 1 D
Top dollar (2nd chance) - No Y
$400 - 3 P's
S _ A _ O _
P _ P P E T S
With her first $1,200, Jennifer plays with some SHADOW PUPPETS - BRUTAL second round; just look at all these duds (wrong letters):
Wrong Letters: R (Sarah), L (Jennifer), M (Charise), I (Sarah), N (Jennifer), C (Charise), Y (Sarah)
Charise: $14,600
Sarah: $0
Jennifer: $1,200
Prize Puzzle: Place
$800 - 1 R
$500 - 2 S's
$800 - 1 Y (I think she's got this puzzle)
1 A
$3.5K - 2 L's
1 I
2 O's
$350 - 1 C
WC - 1 M
C I _ Y / _ A M O U S
_ O R / _ I L L S
With another $9,200, she can visit a CITY FAMOUS FOR HILLS (this should've had A before the 1st word) - my hometown of SAN FRANCISCO! This vacation is worth $5,500.
Charise: $14,600
Sarah: $0
Jennifer: $15,900 cash and S.F. + WC
Toss-Up 3: Phrase (should actually be a Thing)
_ R _ _ H _
O U _ _ O O _
Charise has a BRIGHT OUTLOOK on this show for the TU sweep.
Round 4: Place
It's a $1,300 Final Spin, since a null cycle was cut out.
Charise - 1 T
Sarah - No I
Jennifer - 1 S
Charise - No H
Sarah - 1 E
Jennifer - 2 A's
Charise - 1 N
_ E A _ T _
S A _ _ N
She can visit the BEAUTY SALON after her trip to Bonusland with another $2,600 in her wallet!
Aired Wrong Letters: I (Sarah), H (Charise)
Charise: $20,200 cash and prizes
Sarah: A well-deserved $1,000 consolation prize (thanks to the duds in R2 and calling vowels in R4)
Jennifer: $15,900 cash and S.F. (no WC)
Maingame Winnings: $37,100
$100,000 Bonus Round
Charise lands on the N in WIN.
Category: Thing
I know it with RSTLNE, but this seems hard:
_ _ N _ _
_ _ S _ _
CDMA isn't so bad...
_ A N _ _
M _ S _ C
...but she doesn't even get the 2nd word. The answer was BANJO MUSIC, and she loses the SUV.
My rating: 6 (thanks to R2)
Toss-Up 1: Show biz
_ O _ P
_ _ E R _ S
I don't know if Charise has watched any SOAP OPERAS recently, but she's won $1,000.
Toss-Up 2: Event
A _ A Z _ N _
S _ _ S E _
Charise's "on a roll" w/ AMAZING SUNSET.
Featured VIP Trip: $5K Philadelphia vacation
Jackpot Round: Movie title
$900 - 2 T's
1 I
Philly - 1 N
2 E's
Top dollar - 1 H
Gift Tag - 1 Y
$900 - 2 D's
T H E / D I _ T Y
D _ _ E N
She IDs "THE DIRTY DOZEN" for $5,600, the tag (Hand and Foot Prints from Hollywood), and the Philly trip, making her new total $14,600 cash and prizes!
BIG DOMINATION! (AKA "Major perfect round")
Unclaimed Jackpot: $9,300
Mystery Round: Things
$900 - 2 S's
$600 - 1 T
1 E
1 A
Top dollar - No R
$300 - No L
$300 - No M
No I (the only bad vowel here)
Wild Card - No N
$300 - No C
1 O
$900 - 1 D
Top dollar (2nd chance) - No Y
$400 - 3 P's
S _ A _ O _
P _ P P E T S
With her first $1,200, Jennifer plays with some SHADOW PUPPETS - BRUTAL second round; just look at all these duds (wrong letters):
Wrong Letters: R (Sarah), L (Jennifer), M (Charise), I (Sarah), N (Jennifer), C (Charise), Y (Sarah)
Charise: $14,600
Sarah: $0
Jennifer: $1,200
Prize Puzzle: Place
$800 - 1 R
$500 - 2 S's
$800 - 1 Y (I think she's got this puzzle)
1 A
$3.5K - 2 L's
1 I
2 O's
$350 - 1 C
WC - 1 M
C I _ Y / _ A M O U S
_ O R / _ I L L S
With another $9,200, she can visit a CITY FAMOUS FOR HILLS (this should've had A before the 1st word) - my hometown of SAN FRANCISCO! This vacation is worth $5,500.
Charise: $14,600
Sarah: $0
Jennifer: $15,900 cash and S.F. + WC
Toss-Up 3: Phrase (should actually be a Thing)
_ R _ _ H _
O U _ _ O O _
Charise has a BRIGHT OUTLOOK on this show for the TU sweep.
Round 4: Place
It's a $1,300 Final Spin, since a null cycle was cut out.
Charise - 1 T
Sarah - No I
Jennifer - 1 S
Charise - No H
Sarah - 1 E
Jennifer - 2 A's
Charise - 1 N
_ E A _ T _
S A _ _ N
She can visit the BEAUTY SALON after her trip to Bonusland with another $2,600 in her wallet!
Aired Wrong Letters: I (Sarah), H (Charise)
Charise: $20,200 cash and prizes
Sarah: A well-deserved $1,000 consolation prize (thanks to the duds in R2 and calling vowels in R4)
Jennifer: $15,900 cash and S.F. (no WC)
Maingame Winnings: $37,100
$100,000 Bonus Round
Charise lands on the N in WIN.
Category: Thing
I know it with RSTLNE, but this seems hard:
_ _ N _ _
_ _ S _ _
CDMA isn't so bad...
_ A N _ _
M _ S _ C
...but she doesn't even get the 2nd word. The answer was BANJO MUSIC, and she loses the SUV.
My rating: 6 (thanks to R2)
RECAP EXAMPLE: Spring Fever (Day 2)
It's an all-female panel: Jo Ann, Sarah, and Jennifer.
Toss-Up 1: Places
_ _ _ C K
Jennifer guesses THICK WOODS...that's right.
Toss-Up 2: Place
S C E N _ C
R _ A D W _ Y
Jennifer triples up with SCENIC ROADWAY.
Featured Spring Break Trip: Seattle, $5,500
Jackpot Round: Landmark
$2,500 - No M
Jo Ann
That same wedge - 3 N's
6 A's
Gift Tag - 2 L's
Wild Card - 3 R's
1 E
1 I
$500 - 1 T
1 O (No more vowels)
$400 - 2 S's; "one more spin..."
$800 - 2 C's
C A R L S _ A _
C A _ E R N S
P A R _
She IDs the New Mexico locale of CARLSBAD CAVERNS NATIONAL PARK for $9,400 and the tag (a New Orleans street sign) and even keeps control!
Wrong Letter: M (Jennifer)
Unclaimed Jackpot: $11,700
Jo Ann: $10,400 cash and NO souvenirs
Sarah: Yet to spin
Jennifer: $3,000 Toss-Up money
Mystery Round: Around the house
Jo Ann
Top dollar again ($3,500 this time) - 2 S's
Uses the WC - 1 T
1 E
$550 - 2 R's
1 A
$300 - 1 N
Lose a Turn (she leaves $11,400 on the table)
MW near LaT - 2 C's
Flips it...$10K!
$550 - 1 D
1/2-Car - No L
S _ _ N / C A R E
P R _ D _ C T S
Jennifer can buy some SKIN CARE PRODUCTS with a grand.
Wrong Letter: L (Sarah)
Lose a Turn: Jo Ann
Jo Ann: $10,400
Sarah: $0 (could've been $11,050 and a plate had she called the K instead of the L)
Jennifer: $4,000
Prize Puzzle: Thing
Sarah (road to redemption)
$900 - 1 R
$900 - 1 S
5 E's
1 A
Big-money - 1 L
The same plate - No T
$400 - No M
Jo Ann
$300 - 1 C
FP - 2 U's
$700 - 3 N's
$500 - 1 Q
$300 - 1 P
FP - 1 X
U N _ Q U E
_ S L A N _
E X P E R _ E N C E
Sarah, with $4,800, can have a UNIQUE ISLAND EXPERIENCE on her $7,500 ARUBA vacation.
Wrong Letters: T (Sarah), M (Jennifer)
Lose a Turn: Jo Ann (her 2nd of the night)
Jo Ann: $10,400
Sarah: $12,300 cash and Caribbean
Jennifer: $4,000
Toss-Up 3: Proper name
L _ R R Y
_ I N G
Sarah IDs CNN anchor LARRY KING to bring $15K.
Round 4: Event
$800 - 1 L
1 A
$900 - No R
_ A _ _ L _
_ _ _ _ _ _
FS: $1,550
Jennifer - 3 I's (NMV already)
Jo Ann - 2 C's
_ A _ I L _
_ I C _ I C
No guess from her.
Sarah - No S
Jennifer - 1 N
_ A _ I L _
_ I C N I C
Not a word comes out of her mouth, either.
Jo Ann - No T
Sarah - 1 M
_ A M I L _
_ I C N I C
She finally gets FAMILY PICNIC for $2,100 worth of icing on her cake.
Wrong Letter (before Final Spin): R (Sarah)
Wrong Letters (after Final Spin): S (Sarah), T (Jo Ann)
Jo Ann: $10,400 and souvenirs
Sarah: $17,400 cash and Caribbean
Jennifer: $4,000
Maingame Winnings: $31,800
Bankrupt Trash: NONE!
$100,000 Bonus Round
Sarah lands on the apostrophe (') in AMERICA'S.
Category: Food & drink
RSTLNE in this one-liner:
E _ _ / S _ L _ _
E G G / S A L A D
B/c she completely gobbled up this EGG SALAD, she just won...
...just $25K. Wow. But she's still leaving with $42,400 cash and trip.
My rating: High 6 (I would've given it a 7, but Jo Ann's LaTs, the Final Spin, and the low BR amount brought it down for me)
Toss-Up 1: Places
_ _ _ C K
Jennifer guesses THICK WOODS...that's right.
Toss-Up 2: Place
S C E N _ C
R _ A D W _ Y
Jennifer triples up with SCENIC ROADWAY.
Featured Spring Break Trip: Seattle, $5,500
Jackpot Round: Landmark
$2,500 - No M
Jo Ann
That same wedge - 3 N's
6 A's
Gift Tag - 2 L's
Wild Card - 3 R's
1 E
1 I
$500 - 1 T
1 O (No more vowels)
$400 - 2 S's; "one more spin..."
$800 - 2 C's
C A R L S _ A _
C A _ E R N S
P A R _
She IDs the New Mexico locale of CARLSBAD CAVERNS NATIONAL PARK for $9,400 and the tag (a New Orleans street sign) and even keeps control!
Wrong Letter: M (Jennifer)
Unclaimed Jackpot: $11,700
Jo Ann: $10,400 cash and NO souvenirs
Sarah: Yet to spin
Jennifer: $3,000 Toss-Up money
Mystery Round: Around the house
Jo Ann
Top dollar again ($3,500 this time) - 2 S's
Uses the WC - 1 T
1 E
$550 - 2 R's
1 A
$300 - 1 N
Lose a Turn (she leaves $11,400 on the table)
MW near LaT - 2 C's
Flips it...$10K!
$550 - 1 D
1/2-Car - No L
S _ _ N / C A R E
P R _ D _ C T S
Jennifer can buy some SKIN CARE PRODUCTS with a grand.
Wrong Letter: L (Sarah)
Lose a Turn: Jo Ann
Jo Ann: $10,400
Sarah: $0 (could've been $11,050 and a plate had she called the K instead of the L)
Jennifer: $4,000
Prize Puzzle: Thing
Sarah (road to redemption)
$900 - 1 R
$900 - 1 S
5 E's
1 A
Big-money - 1 L
The same plate - No T
$400 - No M
Jo Ann
$300 - 1 C
FP - 2 U's
$700 - 3 N's
$500 - 1 Q
$300 - 1 P
FP - 1 X
U N _ Q U E
_ S L A N _
E X P E R _ E N C E
Sarah, with $4,800, can have a UNIQUE ISLAND EXPERIENCE on her $7,500 ARUBA vacation.
Wrong Letters: T (Sarah), M (Jennifer)
Lose a Turn: Jo Ann (her 2nd of the night)
Jo Ann: $10,400
Sarah: $12,300 cash and Caribbean
Jennifer: $4,000
Toss-Up 3: Proper name
L _ R R Y
_ I N G
Sarah IDs CNN anchor LARRY KING to bring $15K.
Round 4: Event
$800 - 1 L
1 A
$900 - No R
_ A _ _ L _
_ _ _ _ _ _
FS: $1,550
Jennifer - 3 I's (NMV already)
Jo Ann - 2 C's
_ A _ I L _
_ I C _ I C
No guess from her.
Sarah - No S
Jennifer - 1 N
_ A _ I L _
_ I C N I C
Not a word comes out of her mouth, either.
Jo Ann - No T
Sarah - 1 M
_ A M I L _
_ I C N I C
She finally gets FAMILY PICNIC for $2,100 worth of icing on her cake.
Wrong Letter (before Final Spin): R (Sarah)
Wrong Letters (after Final Spin): S (Sarah), T (Jo Ann)
Jo Ann: $10,400 and souvenirs
Sarah: $17,400 cash and Caribbean
Jennifer: $4,000
Maingame Winnings: $31,800
Bankrupt Trash: NONE!
$100,000 Bonus Round
Sarah lands on the apostrophe (') in AMERICA'S.
Category: Food & drink
RSTLNE in this one-liner:
E _ _ / S _ L _ _
E G G / S A L A D
B/c she completely gobbled up this EGG SALAD, she just won...
...just $25K. Wow. But she's still leaving with $42,400 cash and trip.
My rating: High 6 (I would've given it a 7, but Jo Ann's LaTs, the Final Spin, and the low BR amount brought it down for me)
RECAP EXAMPLE: Desert Vacation from Las Vegas (Day 5)
Tonight's contestants are Jennifer, Sarah, and Greg.
Toss-Up 1: Event
H _ _ I C O P _ _ _
_ I _ _
Jennifer takes a HELICOPTER RIDE for her 1st bit of money.
Toss-Up 2: Thing
M A N - _ A D E
V O L _ A _ _
I've never heard of a MAN-MADE VOLCANO, but Greg will spin first.
Featured Vacation: Lake Tahoe, $5,500
Jackpot Round: Things
$600 - 2 S's
1 E
1 A
MDW's left-side Bankrupt
Gift Tag - 1 L
$800 - 2 Z's
_ A Z Z / &
_ L _ E S / _ _ S _ _
She listens to some JAZZ & BLUES MUSIC for another $1,600 and the gift tag: a Christmas wreath.
Bankrupt: Greg
Unclaimed Jackpot: $6,400
Jennifer: $3,600 cash and Christmas decorations
Sarah: Yet to spin
Greg: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Mystery Round: On the map
$900 - 1 S
Wild Card - 2 T's
$500 - 1 M
The same Bankrupt she got in R1
Lose a Turn
Mystery Wedge near the MDW - No C
$900 - 3 R's
Free Play - 1 A
Bankrupt near $3,500
1/2-Car - 1 Y
1 E
1 I
MDW - No D
The same MW - 1 F
Flips it...$10K!
_ . S .
T E R R I T _ R Y
_ F / _ _ A _
He IDs the U.S. TERRITORY OF GUAM for that wedge!
Aired Wrong Letters: C (Greg), D (Sarah)
Aired Bankrupts: Jennifer 2x
Aired Lose a Turn: Sarah
Jennifer: $3,600 cash and GT
Sarah: $0
Greg: $12,000
Prize Puzzle: Thing (for the THIRD time this episode)
The same 1/2-Car - 2 R's
$300 - 2 S's
$300 - 2 T's
3 E's
1 A
$700 - 2 L's
1 I
FP - No D
MDW's left-side Bankrupt
$550 - No M
$500 - 2 C's
$900 - 2 F's
T _ E / S C E _ T
_ F
T R _ _ I C A L
F L _ _ E R S
Jennifer will smell THE SCENT OF TROPICAL FLOWERS on her $6,500 trip to BARBADOS; she's pocketed another $2,800, too.
Wrong Letters: D (Sarah on FP), M (Greg)
Bankrupt: Sarah
Jennifer: $12,900 cash and prizes
Sarah: $0
Greg: $12,000
Toss-Up 3: Things (Hey, enough of those!)
A C T I O _
F I G _ _ E S
Sarah's on the board w/ ACTION FIGURES!
Round 4: Title
$300 - 2 R's
No O
$500 (near empty MDW) - No C
_ _ R _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ R _
_ _ _ _ _ _
Final Spin: $1,500 (empty 1/2-Car)
Jennifer - 3 T's
_ _ R T _ _
_ T _ _ _ R T
_ _ _ _ _ _
She amazingly solves MARTHA STEWART LIVING for another $4,500 and the win.
Wrong Letters (before the FS): O (Sarah), C (Greg)
Jennifer: $17,400 cash and prizes (green indicating the winner)
Sarah: $3,000 Toss-Up money
Greg: $12,000
Maingame Winnings: $32,400
Bankrupt Trash: $6,650
$100,000 Bonus Round
Jennifer lands on the I in AMERICA'S.
Category: Around the house
It's a compound word, as RSTLNE indicates:
_ _ _ S E _ _ _
Her picks: DHMI
M _ _ S E _ _ D
She's initially wrong with MOUSELOAD, but gets MOUSEPAD for the $70,000 Sports Utility Vehicle! Final total: $87,400 cash and prizes!
My rating (out of 10): High 7
My rating (out of 10): High 7
Recap Example Alert!
I don't have the tools to make video footage of my episodes for now, so I'll be making recap examples. I'll do some from home, and then I'll do a 20-episode road trip from New York City!
Let me say a couple of things:
Let me say a couple of things:
- There are no null cycles in Round 1 (since there's a Jackpot), unless all three unaired turns are penalty spaces or duds on wedges other than the Jackpot or 1/2-Car.
- Any one-wordies in Rounds 1 through 3 or three-liners in the Toss-Ups or Bonus Round will NOT happen (that episode won't be recapped).
Play With Us, Please...
Well, with all that's said and done, let's FINALLY meet our contestants. I'm only writing information for the XBOX 360 version's characters, since the mobile version puts you up against random contestants. Oh, and I gave the XBOX 360 characters names. Male contestants are indicated in blue, and females in red.
Contestant 1 - John
Contestant 3 - Greg
Contestant 10 - Denise
BTW, here's the match-ups for these players (C# is short for Contestant #):
Contestant 1 - John
- Light brown skin
- Bald
- Dark mustache
- White T-shirt
- Light blue jeans
- Black Converse shoes
- Peach skin
- Long brown hair
- Red short-sleeved top
- Blue flooding pants
- Black Converse shoes
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Here's a YouTube user in the red podium. And Contestants 9 (yellow) and 2 (blue) are here as well! Is this a Final Spin? |
- Peach skin
- Straight black hair
- White short-sleeved polo shirt
- Khaki pocket jeans
- Black Converse shoes
- Peach skin
- Short blond hair
- Big yellow glasses
- Pink long-sleeved button-up shirt
- Black flooding pants
- Black dress shoes
- Peach skin
- Short red hair
- Small black glasses
- Red long-sleeved shirt with a white polo shirt
- Black jeans
- Red Converse shoes
- Light brown skin
- Long, wavy black hair
- Gray dress
- Brown belt
- Black dress shoes
- Peach skin
- Short black hair
- Black mustache and goatee
- Black T-shirt
- White pocket pants
- Black Converse shoes
- Peach skin
- Short, curly brown hair
- Pink short-sleeved top
- White short skirt
- Black dress shoes
- Peach skin
- Long, wavy blond hair
- Blue T-shirt
- Gray pants rolled up at the bottom
- Black Converse shoes
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Meet the two male-one female panel on the mobile version. |
- Peach skin
- Long blond hair
- Red short-sleeved top
- Black skirt
- Red dress shoes
BTW, here's the match-ups for these players (C# is short for Contestant #):
- C1-C8-C3
- C2-C8-C3
- C3-C8-C2
- C4-C8-C2
- C5-C8-C2
- C6-C8-C2
- C7-C8-C2
- C8-C7-C2
- C9-C7-C2
- C10-C7-C2
- XBOX LIVE...depends.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Cool Prizes!
It's great that you win on Wheel of Fortune, but the prizes make it even better! Here's a list of all the prizes you could win.
Props/Gift Tags
All gift tags are worth $1,000. None go with the America's Game or 80's Retro stages.
Hawaii - Feather Stand, Tiki, Surfboard
Las Vegas - Playing Cards, Craps Table, Roulette Table
Hollywood - Film Camera, Hand and Foot Prints, Director's Chair
Washington, DC - Horse Statue, Fountain, Large Flagpole
New York - News Stand, Hot Dog Cart, Taxi
Cruise Week - Hot Tub, Life Preserver, Nautical Map
Great Outdoors - Hunting Bow, Water Ski, Skis (The ones for the snow!)
Halloween - Skeleton, Gargoyle, Statue
Happy Holidays - Swing, Gazebo, Wreath
New Orleans - Jazz Sign, Street Sign, Banner
Featured Prizes/Trips on the Wheel
The 1/2-Car vehicles are worth $10,000, while the Bonus Round vehicles are more expensive.
Concept Art
These are the ideas for the XBOX 360 version. Instead of their individual themes, the sets have the Wheel of Fortune logo against a purple/red backdrop.
These animated videos are season 28 intros for the XBOX 360 version.
Video Pack 1
Of course, all of them are free. Blue indicates male features; red, female. Black for both genders!
For the XBOX 360
Boring, but creative. Blue clothing is for men, red clothing is for women, and black clothing is for everything else, basically.
For the XBOX 360
Unlocked Clothes
These labels lie on T-shirts and polo shirts.
Unlocked Labels
- XBOX 360 stages
- America's Game (Classic Game) - $0!
- Hawaii - $35,000
- Las Vegas - $40,000
- Hollywood - $45,000
- Washington, DC - $35,000
- New York (or New York City) - $30,000
- Cruise Week - $30,000
- Great Outdoors - $30,000
- Halloween - $30,000
- Happy Holidays - $30,000
- Celebrating New Orleans (or just New Orleans) - $30,000
- 80's Retro - $0, but downloadable!
- Mobile game themes
- Today (2012) - $0
- Millennium (2000s) - $0, but unlockable!
- Nineties - $0, but unlockable!
- Eighties - $0, but unlockable!
- Premiere (1982) - $0, but unlockable!
- Celebrating 30! - Buy it with your own money
- Independence Day - Buy it
- School Time! - Buy it
- Night On The Town - Buy it
- Tropical Vacation - Buy it
- Heroes - Buy it
- Monsters - Buy it
- Sports - Buy it!
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The Hollywood stage. |
All gift tags are worth $1,000. None go with the America's Game or 80's Retro stages.
Hawaii - Feather Stand, Tiki, Surfboard
Las Vegas - Playing Cards, Craps Table, Roulette Table
Hollywood - Film Camera, Hand and Foot Prints, Director's Chair
Washington, DC - Horse Statue, Fountain, Large Flagpole
New York - News Stand, Hot Dog Cart, Taxi
Cruise Week - Hot Tub, Life Preserver, Nautical Map
Great Outdoors - Hunting Bow, Water Ski, Skis (The ones for the snow!)
Halloween - Skeleton, Gargoyle, Statue
Happy Holidays - Swing, Gazebo, Wreath
New Orleans - Jazz Sign, Street Sign, Banner
Featured Prizes/Trips on the Wheel
- Seattle, Washington - $5,000
- Lake Tahoe, California - $5,500
- Grand Canyon, Arizona - $6,000
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - $5,000
- Vancouver Island, Canada - $5,500
- Canadian Rockies - $6,000
- Prince Edward Island, Canada - $5,000
- Mexican Riviera - $6,500
- Cancun, Mexico - $7,500
- Belize - $7,500
- Bermuda - $7,000
- Jamaica - $8,000
- St. Lucia - $6,500
- Brazil - $7,000
- Scotland - $9,500
- Dublin, Ireland - $9,000
- Barcelona, Spain - $8,500
- Florence, Italy - $8,500
- Venice, Italy - $8,000
- San Francisco, California - $5,500
- Boston, Massachusetts - $5,500
- Miami, Florida - $5,000
- Alaska Cruise - $6,000
- Quebec, Canada - $5,500
- Montreal, Canada - $6,000
- Mexico City - $6,500
- Costa Rica - $8,000
- Barbados - $7,000
- Aruba - $6,500
- Buenos Aires, Argentina - $7,000
- London, England - $9,500
- Paris, France - $9,000
- Berlin, Germany - $8,000
- Prague, Czech Republic - $8,500
- Rome, Italy - $8,500
- Athens, Greece - $8,000
The 1/2-Car vehicles are worth $10,000, while the Bonus Round vehicles are more expensive.
- Sedan - $10,000
- Sports Utility Vehicle - $10,000
- Motorcycle - $55,000
- Sports Car - $65,000
- Pickup Truck - $60,000
- Hybrid Sedan - $70,000
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The Las Vegas backdrop. |
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Notice the Gift Tag, Featured Prize, and 1/2-Car plate? |
- Halloween
- Hawaii
- Hollywood
- Las Vegas
- Washington, DC
- New York City
- Pat Sajak
- Vanna White
- Happy Holidays
- Cruise Week
- Great Outdoors
- New Orleans
These animated videos are season 28 intros for the XBOX 360 version.
Video Pack 1
- America's Game #1 - Pat and Vanna walk into the stage with the board reading, "AMERICA'S GAME".
- America's Game #2 - Pat just can't get a letter to show up on the board, so Vanna lights it up. It's the ending letter of "WHEEL OF FORTUNE", E, and the entire puzzle is shown.
- Cruise Week - Pat and Vanna throw confetti from a cruise ship.
- Desert Oasis - In the desert, Vanna looks for Pat and finds him relaxing in a pool.
- Wendy's Family Week - Vanna pushes Pat on a playground swing.
- Get Out of Town/Road Trip - Pat hops in a car Vanna is driving on the road, with the license plate saying "WHEEL OF FORTUNE".
- Gone Fishin'! - While fishing with Vanna in the forest, Pat's hook plunges him into the water! He gets himself back up.
- Give Me a Break! - This is similar to America's Game #1, but Vanna is wearing an orange dress instead of a blue one, and the board reads "GIVE ME A BREAK!"
- Great American Cities - Pat and Vanna are on the road! Pat's reading a road map containing cities such as San Francisco, New York, Miami, Las Vegas, and Seattle, but it goes away in the wind.
- Halloween - Pat and Vanna are zombies, floating in the air.
- Happy Holidays - Pat and Vanna are ice skating in the snow together, with the ice reading the Wheel of Fortune logo.
- Leave Winter Behind - Pat and Vanna, wearing winter clothes on a cold winter day, open a door...and transform into summer-like clothers on a summer-like day, only it's not's spring.
- National Parks - Pat and Vanna are located near Old Faithful, and it shoots out water! Pat and Vanna end up covering up with an umbrella.
- Outdoor Adventures - Pat and Vanna kayak through the forest.
- Pet Lovers - Pat and Vanna are at a park. Pat plays fetch with his dog, while Vanna holds her cat.
- Picture Perfect - Pat successfully tries to take a picture of Vanna near Mt. Rushmore.
- Sand & Sea - Pat and Vanna kayak in the ocean, off the beach coast.
- Teachers' Week - Pat and Vanna successfully try to present the Wheel of Fortune logo to the class, but some rowdy kids throw school supplies at Pat!
- The Good Life - In a high-rise, Pat and Vanna give each other a toast. They also point to another high-rise building that says "The Good Life!" and later reads the Wheel logo.
- Vacation of a Lifetime - Pat and Vanna walk through many different countries around the world, such as Italy, Greece, Japan, and China, where Vanna bangs a gong.
- Wheel Around the World - In the Egyptian desert near Cairo, Pat and Vanna walk through London, Paris, Tokyo, and - where else? - Cairo, where Pat's suitcase drops.
- Wheel Loves L.A. - On the Hollywood Hills, Vanna lights up the last two letters of HOLLYWOOD on the Hollywood sign, while Pat stands near a limo.
- Wheel Was Here - Pat and Vanna take photos of each other in different U.S. cities. Vanna's riding a cable car in San Francisco, Pat's playing a trumpet in New Orleans, and Vanna's playing bongos in Hawaii. At the end, we go to New York, where Pat and Vanna are pointing to a high-rise with the Wheel logo showing.
- World Class Spas - Pat and Vanna go to different saunas; Pat draws a smiley face on his door window, while Vanna draws the Wheel logo on her door window.
- World's Best Beaches - Pat builds a sand castle on the beach, while Vanna builds a Wheel castle. And the waves wash away Pat's castle.
Of course, all of them are free. Blue indicates male features; red, female. Black for both genders!
For the XBOX 360
- Skin colors
- Light peach
- Dark peach
- Light brown
- Dark brown
- Hair colors
- Yellow
- Brown
- Black
- Red
- Heads
- Brown mustache, small beard
- Puffy cheeks
- Glasses, triangular chin
- Black mustache, goatee
- Square chin
- Beautiful
- Big yellow glasses
- Triangular chin, warm
- Shy
- Triangular chin, serious
- Hair (including similarly-colored eyebrows)
- Bald
- Wavy hair
- Curly hair
- Straight hair
- Surfer hair
- Long hair
- Short curly hair
- Long wavy hair
- Medium-sized hair
- Short wavy hair
- Skin colors
- Dark brown
- Brown
- Light brown
- Tan
- Beige
- Peach
- Hair colors
- Black
- Bark brown
- Brown
- Mahogany
- Light brown
- Blond
- White
- Heads
- Original stage
- Gold eyes
- Big green eyes
- Small green eyes
- Big green eyes with big lips
- Big green eyes with small lips
- Narrow green eyes
- Narrow green eyes with a small smile
- Narrow green eyes with a small grin
- Narrow gold eyes
- Big green eyes with a narrow chin
- Monsters
- Gold face with a long nose
- Gold face with pink eye pupils
- Brown face with gold/red eyes
- Facial hair
- Small mustache
- Small goatee
- Mustache up to the chin
- Very small goatee
- Big mustache
- Mustache/goatee connecting
- Big beard
- Big beard with a mustache
- Thick mustache
- Hair
- Original stages
- Short hair
- Long hair that curls on the bottom
- Big hat
- Big straight hair
- Big curly hair
- Short hair
- A little longer short hair
- Balding hair
- Curly hair
- Thin hair
- Mohawk with hair on the side
- Long hair with a little line on the forehead
- Kid (Kid 'n Play) afro hair
- Short mohawk
- Small front end with long hair on the back
- Big afro
- Very big long hair
- Mohawk with no hair on the side
- Monsters
- Marge Simpson afro
- Spiky short hair
- Heroes
- Bangs
- Anime spiky hair
- Night on the Town
- Big hair clump on the back
Boring, but creative. Blue clothing is for men, red clothing is for women, and black clothing is for everything else, basically.
For the XBOX 360
Unlocked Clothes
- Tops
- Suits with colored ties and long sleeved white shirts - blue, red, green, purple ties
- T-shirts - white, black, blue, red
- Short-sleeved polo shirts - white, silver, blue, gray
- Short-sleeved polo shirts with white stripes - olive green, blue, red, brown shirts
- Long-sleeved V-neck sweaters with white shirts - white, blue, red black sweaters
- Gray/black striped long-sleeved V-necks with colored stripes - green, blue, red, yellow stripes
- Diamond-shaped black sweaters - gray, blue, red, green diamonds
- Tops with very short sleeves - red, blue, pink, purple
- Jackets with black bottoms - pink, purple, white, black
- V-neck sweaters - white, black, light pink, purple, yellow, green, dark pink, orange
- Bottoms
- Gym pants with white/red stripes on the sides - blue, red, green, brown
- Gym pants with white/red stripes on the bottom - gray, blue, red, green
- Jeans with a belt - light blue, dark blue, red, black
- Jeans rolled up at the bottom - black, blue, red, gray
- Pants with side pockets - silver, green, black, white
- Jeans rolled up at the bottom - blue, red, purple, dark green
- Skirts - black, white, red, purple
- Long jeans - dark blue, black, light blue, indigo
- Dresses (female only)
- Black belt, shorter - purple, red, pink, yellow
- Brown belt, longer - white, pink, purple, sky blue
- Shoes
- Dress shoes - black, brown, gray, white
- Converse shoes with white fronts - black, blue, red, green
- Dress shoes - black, blue, red, pink
- Converse shoes with white fronts - gray, blue, red, black
- Light purple long-sleeved button-up shirt
- Black jacket/white long-sleeved button-up shirt
- Black stuffed coat
- Black coat with a zipper/white long-sleeved shirt
- Gray/blue-striped sweater with a zipper
- Purple long-sleeved jacket
- Gray long-sleeved button-up cardigan/white shirt
- Pink button-up jacket/white shirt
- Gray button-up jacket/white shirt
- Light blue short-sleeved button-up shirt
- Dark brown jacket
- Tank top with white and black stripes
- Red sweater
- Beige button-up sweater
- Beige short-sleeved shirt
- Gray pants with a black belt
- Khaki shorts with a brown belt
- Black basketball shorts
- Beige flooding pants
- Green short shorts
- White pants
- Purple plaid shirt
- Green sandals
- Black/red/white heels
- Black sandals
- Black boots
- Orange boots with beige tops
- Gray dress shoes
- Orange/black-spotted dress with a black short-sleeved shirt
- White-and-black plaid dress with no sleeves
- Short-sleeved dress with black and white checkers
- Long blue dress with no sleeves
- Long black dress with no sleeves
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Are these contestants well-dressed or what? |
These labels lie on T-shirts and polo shirts.
Unlocked Labels
- Black/white headphones
- Red fiery guitar
- Light blue wave with a white gradient on top
- Brown paw print
- Gray cat with its back turned on us
- Light yellow bolt of lightning
- Pink flower with a yellow center and a green stem
- Irish shamrock
- Light blue whale with a white gradient on the bottom
- Purple/blue butterfly with a red head
- White eagle's head with a yellow beak
- Red dragon
- Black vampire bat
- Yellow sun
- Blue teardrop stencil
- Pair of clones
- Red lucky number 7
- Pair of white dice (one red-dotted, one black-dotted)
- Red heart
- Soccer ball
- Baseball
- Golf player's silhouette
- Purple horseshoe with holes on it.
- Yellow humpty
- Cheeseburger
- White open book
- Laptop computer
- Red sports car
- Blue helicopter
- Red question mark
- White mug of coffee with a shadow and air floating out
- Yellow glasses and a black mustache
- Chocolate cupcake with a light blue cover and a cherry on top
- Football
- Shooting star with a pink/blue/light blue/bright green/yellow comet
- Rain cloud with a gray gradient
- Strawberry
- Yellow frog
- Unicorn with a yellow horn
For the Mobile Version
- Original stages
- Blue cap
- Brown cowboy hat with a white stripe
- White narrow-brim hat with a purple stripe
- Pink wide-brim hat with a brown stripe
- Black magician's hat
- Gold Panama hat with a black stripe
- White narrow-brim hat
- Gray 60s Motown hat
- Red/white Spin This (in black) cap
- 30th Anniversary
- Magenta backwards cap with a black question mark in a red circle
- Green magician's hat with the Million Dollar Wedge and light green dollar signs on a black stripe
- School Time!
- Hot pink flower lei
- Dark green baseball cap
- Brown football helmet with light blue stripe
- Monsters
- Black/green scary wig
- White mummy's bandages
- Black witch's hat
- White werewolf's hat
- Heroes! (male only)
- Dark gold/light tan trooper mask
- Gray/silver mask with blue stripes
- Blue ski mask
- Independence Day (male only)
- White chef's hat with the American flag
- White Washington wig
- Blue bandanna with blue star
- Uncle Sam hat
- White dreadlocks
- Green Statue of Liberty spikes
- Long white small magician's hat with red, white, and blue stripes
- Original stages
- Reading glasses
- Circular glasses
- Long glasses
- Reading glasses with bold black handles
- Even bolder black handles
- Big circular glasses
- Heroes
- Catwoman mask
- Independence Day
- Big black circular glasses with black stars on the lenses
- Sunglases with American flag lenses
- Night on the Town
- Sunglasses
- Tropical Vacation
- Cocktail glasses
- Gold glasses with green leaves as handles
- Snorkel mask
- Original stages
- Red long shirt
- Purple short shirt
- Pink Wheel of Fortune short shirt
- Green T-shirt
- White long-sleeved button-up
- Red Spin This shirt
- Black short-sleeved shirt
- White rocker T-shirt
- Tank top
- Black long-sleeved zip-up sweater
- Purple/black-striped long shirt
- Green-striped long-sleeved shirt
- Black jacket/blue-black striped shirt
- White Rad Lab shirt with red short sleeves
- White long-sleeved button-up with a black vest
- White pink/purple short shirt
- Red long-sleeved open button-up, showing a black shirt
- 30th Anniversary
- Pink short-sleeved shirt
- I [heart] Vanna gold short-sleeved shirt
- Green 30th Anniversary long-sleeved shirt
- Black Dalmatian short-sleeved shirt
- Hot pink Jeopardy! short-sleeved shirt
- Blue I [heart] Pat short-sleeved shirt
- Pink Where's Vanna? short-sleeved shirt
- Purple Jeopardy! T-shirt
- White Dalmatian T-shirt
- Tan I [heart] Vanna T-shirt
- Green I [heart] Pat T-shirt
- Gold Where's Vanna? T-shirt
- Gray 30th Anniversary shirt with red sleeves
- Blue button-up short-sleeved shirt
- School Time!
- White button-up shirt with a pink vest
- VHS black/white/red cheerleader vest
- White zip-up jacket with green stripes
- Gray zip-up jacket
- Blue long-sleeved jacket with a white dress
- Blue 3 tank top
- Magenta dark gradient shirt with a dog
- Orange basketball jersey with the number 10
- Gray/white varsity jacket with a white U
- White button-up long-sleeved shirt with a black vest and a green tie
- Blue long-sleeved jacket
- Red striped short-sleeved button-up shirt
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This is the Hero Pack. Except for the original stage and the retro stages, special stages are downloadable and NOT free. |
- Monsters
- Dark red long-sleeved shirt with red buttons
- Black/red long-sleeved dress
- White long-sleeved shirt
- Dark green button-up shirt
- Black jacket with a black shirt
- Black jacket with a white shirt and a red tie
- Gold mummy bandages
- Heroes
- Blue halter top
- Gray/black suit
- Purple/white strapless dress with white gloves
- Purple/red/pink halter top with white gloves
- Red/white long-sleeved shirt with blue gloves
- Brown suit
- Olive green/gold alien suit
- Light green/dark green suit
- Blue suit with a red vest
- Independence Day
- Green statue of Liberty dress
- American flag short-sleeved shirt
- American flag long-sleeved shirt
- Blue/light yellow patriotic shirt
- American Flag shirt with an American Flag tie and a white button-up shirt
- Painting apron with red, blue, purple, yellow, and green paint splatters and a dark brown shirt
- Patriotic shirt
- Night on the Town
- White dress with black stripes
- Gray dress
- Purple strapless dress
- Green dress
- Blue dress that is strapless on the right
- Dark brown strapless dress
- Black dress
- Gray suit with a blue shirt
- Blue thermal
- White button-up shirt with a pink tank top
- Gray/black suit with a pink tie
- Purple short-sleeved shirt
- Green small-striped shirt
- White tank top
- Sports
- White karate suit with a gray belt
- Light green short-sleeved soccer shirt
- Dark olive green shirt
- Red striped shirt
- Green #83 football shirt with white gloves
- Green diamond-striped/white shirt
- Red/white/black hockey shirt
- White karate suit with a gray belt
- Green/white-striped soccer shirt
- Yellow/white baseball shirt
- Tropical Vacation
- Blue dress with white flowers and a blue scarf
- Pink dress with pink flowers
- Sky blue dress with a hot pink lei
- Green striped shirt
- Blue tropical shirt with two leis
- Magenta-striped button-up shirt
Clothing Colors
- Black
- Gray
- White
- Dark brown
- Light brown
- Tan
- Magenta
- Purple
- Dark blue
- Light blue
- Sky blue
- Dark green
- Light green
- Bright green
- Yellow
- Dandelion
- Orange
- Red
- Dark red
- Hot pink
- Light pink
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