Tonight's vacationers: Denise, Tony, & Jennifer.
Toss-Up 1: On the map
H A _ A
H I G _ W A _
Jennifer guesses HANA HIGHWAY...good for her, that could've very well been a Triple Stumper (where no one gets a Toss-Up).
Toss-Up 2: Things
W A T E _ _ A L L _
Tony knows HI has WATERFALLS.
Featured Vacation: Barcelona, $8,500
Jackpot Round: Phrase
$300 - No N
Top dollar - 1 R
Bankrupt near $900
$800 - 1 T
1 E
$300 - 3 S's
4 A's
$500 - 1 Y
2 I's
$300 - 1 K
2 O's
$800 - 2 L's
2 U's (NMV)
$600 - 1 C
A S K / A _ O U T / O U R
_ A I L Y / S _ E C I A L S
She knows how to ASK ABOUT OUR DAILY SPECIALS, so everyone's on the board already.
Wrong Letter: N (Tony)
Bankrupt: Jennifer
Unclaimed Jackpot: $11,100
Denise: $3,450
Tony: $2,000 TU bucks
Jennifer: $1,000 Toss-Up money
Mystery Round: Things
$300 - 1 S
$500 - No R
$300 - 2 T's
1 I
1 A
GT - 2 N's
$800 - 2 D's
_ I D D _ N
T A _ _ N T S
She's got some HIDDEN TALENTS for $1,700 and the gift tag (a NO street sign).
Wrong Letter: R (Jennifer)
Denise: $6,150 cash and New Orleans souvenirs
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $1,000
Prize Puzzle: Place
Bankrupt near TD
FP - 3 T's
1 E
3 A's
FP - 2 L's
2 I's
MDW - No R
1/2-Car - 1 C
T _ E / C A _ I T A L
_ _ / I T A L
But she's giving the plate right back - she knows THE CAPITAL OF ITALY is ROME ($8.5K).
Wrong Letter: R (Tony)
Bankrupt: Denise
Denise: $6,150
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $10,000 cash and Rome
Toss-Up 3: Event
A _ / E _ E _ _ _ _
_ _ / _ _ _ _
Denise easily has AN EVENING AT HOME to break the $9K mark.
Round 4: Around the house
$350 - No T
$550 - 1 R
2 E's
_ _ _ _ E _
_ R E _ _ _
FS: $1,800
Tony - No S
Jennifer - 2 N's
Denise - No L
Tony - 1 O (NMV)
Jennifer - 1 C
_ O N _ E _
_ R E N C _
But she blanks out, so $5,400 and the victory has just slipped away.
Denise - 1 W
_ O N _ E _
W R E N C _
Denise buys a MONKEY WRENCH for the FS amount and the win by $950!
Wrong Letter (before FS): T (Denise)
Wrong Letter (after FS): S (Tony), L (Denise)
Denise: $10,950 cash and souvenirs
Tony: $2,000 TU money
Jennifer: $10,000 cash and Rome (she didn't deserve the win anyway)
$100,000 Bonus Round
Denise lands on the R in AMERICA'S.
Category: Food & drink
_ _ L _ _ _ T _
_ L _ _ E S
_ _ L _ _ _ T _
_ L I _ E S
No guess from her, so $30K is kept inside this package of KALAMATA OLIVES.
My rating: 5.5
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