Monday, December 23, 2013

Play With Us, Please...

Well, with all that's said and done, let's FINALLY meet our contestants. I'm only writing information for the XBOX 360 version's characters, since the mobile version puts you up against random contestants. Oh, and I gave the XBOX 360 characters names. Male contestants are indicated in blue, and females in red.

Contestant 1 - John
  • Light brown skin
  • Bald
  • Dark mustache
  • White T-shirt
  • Light blue jeans
  • Black Converse shoes
Contestant 2 - Jennifer
  • Peach skin
  • Long brown hair
  • Red short-sleeved top
  • Blue flooding pants
  • Black Converse shoes
Here's a YouTube user in the red podium. And Contestants
9 (yellow) and 2 (blue) are here as well! Is this a Final Spin?
Contestant 3 - Greg
  • Peach skin
  • Straight black hair
  • White short-sleeved polo shirt
  • Khaki pocket jeans
  • Black Converse shoes
Contestant 4 - Jo Ann
  • Peach skin
  • Short blond hair
  • Big yellow glasses
  • Pink long-sleeved button-up shirt
  • Black flooding pants
  • Black dress shoes
Contestant 5 - Mark
  • Peach skin
  • Short red hair
  • Small black glasses
  • Red long-sleeved shirt with a white polo shirt
  • Black jeans
  • Red Converse shoes
Contestant 6 - Charise
  • Light brown skin
  • Long, wavy black hair
  • Gray dress
  • Brown belt
  • Black dress shoes
Contestant 7 - Tony
  • Peach skin
  • Short black hair
  • Black mustache and goatee
  • Black T-shirt
  • White pocket pants
  • Black Converse shoes
Contestant 8 - Sarah
  • Peach skin
  • Short, curly brown hair
  • Pink short-sleeved top
  • White short skirt
  • Black dress shoes
Contestant 9 - Daniel
  • Peach skin
  • Long, wavy blond hair
  • Blue T-shirt
  • Gray pants rolled up at the bottom
  • Black Converse shoes
Meet the two male-one female panel on the mobile version.
Contestant 10 - Denise
  • Peach skin
  • Long blond hair
  • Red short-sleeved top
  • Black skirt
  • Red dress shoes
And then there's customization...but then there's my XBOX 360 avatar! I'll use him later!

BTW, here's the match-ups for these players (C# is short for Contestant #):
  • C1-C8-C3
  • C2-C8-C3
  • C3-C8-C2
  • C4-C8-C2
  • C5-C8-C2
  • C6-C8-C2
  • C7-C8-C2
  • C8-C7-C2
  • C9-C7-C2
  • C10-C7-C2
  • XBOX LIVE...depends.

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